Youth Enrichment

What We Do


We provide enrichment classes, camps, and private tutoring for children from Kindergarten through 8th Grade.


Classes can be scheduled anytime including before, during, and after school.


Consider scheduling a chess class in the morning to jump start your child's mind and prepare them for a day of efficient learning. 


Chess improves mental alertness and leads to faster mental processing.  Chess improves focus, memory, and  retention.  Chess improves grades and test scores.


We use fun and engaging methods while playing and learning the fundamentals of chess. This is competitive level instruction.


They love it and reap the benefits!




On The Horizon


It is our philosophy that giving a child a positive experience in any given subject can impact that child for a lifetime.  If a child finds a passion or success for something early on, it can have a profound impact for the rest of their lives.


We are Cloud City Youth.  We perform youth enrichment, believe teaching is a craft, and aim to offer a supporting arm to the community.


If a child has their head in the clouds, instead of dragging them down to earth, we'll meet them... up there!


We use a creative play method of instruction that promotes learning as a fun life-long adventure.  We look to enrich this method and develop new exciting areas of interest.


Chess is our constant and through this mystical medium we strive to improve scholastic play; promote individual, team and league competition, to encourage more participation and pride in teamwork and to provide a support system and sponsorship of clubs that foster friendships and social networks with chess as a shared commonality.  Chess is a universal game that builds bridges and brings people together.


We strive to have a robust community outreach and develop relationships with educators, families, and develop community partnerships that will engage the youth in chess and life.


It is our vision to offer free programming to families to learn and bond together.  Free and subsidize programming to the schools and communities. 
Along with scholarships and opportunity.  We seek to build a platform for creative endeavors and build charitable alliances. In a place we can grow together.


*We are searching for locations in your area to host

classes, camps, and tournaments!!!

If you know of a good location, please let us know.

Thank you!